Photo: Enjoying the rosey sunrise at the summit of Mount Shasta, 2018. 

Photo: Enjoying sunrise at the summit of Mount Shasta, 2018. 



Frances Atkins survived Ithaca's winters and graduated from Cornell University, with a Bachelor's of Science in Engineering, concentrating in Civil Engineering with a focus in Resilient Design + Development. Working with several of Cornell’s colleges and leading professionals, she developed her own curriculum to be able to lead, engineer, and operate resilient building systems - studying methods of engineering, architecture, urban planning, and how humans interact with the built environment. One day, she aspires to become a Professional Engineer and Designer to unify both creative and technical minds - leading more efficient teams to explore more effective solutions for global issues involving the built environment.

Although often stewing in thought over the complexities of today's global issues, Frances takes pleasure adventuring outdoors, gardening, and pursuing multiple creative endeavors. She is also inspired from her travels and living experiences in Norway, Guatemala, Spain, South America, and Japan, comparing different models of buildings, construction, and cultural design consideration. 

After recently relocating from Detroit, MI where she and her partner Luis restored a 100-year old home, Frances is currently navigating the nuances of starting her own small business Atkins Consulting Services, based in Monterey County, CA, where she supports and consults for other small design businesses requiring innovative design and project implementation expertise. When not at work, you can find Frances at the beach with her wild puppy Dill or out in the back yard chopping wood.

Preemptively, she is prepared to reveal three amusing facts about herself: 1. She is a nationally ranked Synchronized Swimmer, and can improvise choreographed routines at any point in time. 2. She has hitched-hiked through Patagonia, and has seen the rosey sunrise over Fitz Roy and danced Tango in the village below. 3. She spent much of her childhood vacations on her grandparent's dairy farm in Upstate New York, and as a child considered herself a cow whisperer and master egg collector.