Atkins Consulting Services

Carmel, CA

Founded Atkins Consulting Services with the primary objective to support and consult for other small design businesses requiring innovative design and project implementation expertise. Primarily consulting for Primo Engineering + Consultants, working on 4+ residential, trail-use, and commercial projects within Mendocino County. Prioritizing collaboration with local organizations and design teams to develop Coastal Development Permit plans that implement low-impact designs, which encourage historical, biological, and cultural conversation.

Notable Projects include the following:


Forester Residence, Gualala, CA

Type: Residential Development

Task: Provide comprehensive grading, drainage, and utility plans for a new, private residence located on the pristine Mendocino County coastline.

Strategy: Implement low impact design strategies, which encourage minimal site disturbance to existing native plant species.

*pending CDP permit approval

*renderings by Craig Steely Architecture


Point Arena Cove Trail Network, Point Arena, CA

Type: Trail-Use Development

Task: Design several staircases and lookout areas to connect trail users from Point Arena Cove’s parking lot to the remaining trail network.

Strategy: Strategically locate the staircase to minimize impact of the existing, steep, eroding hillside, while also minimizing cost and preserving the local Coast Guard Inn’s historical integrity. 

*pending CDP permit approval



Type: Residential Development

Task: Design and construct perennial, residential garden, with limited access to water, requiring minimal maintenance, and providing habitat to local bee, bird, and butterfly populations.

Strategy: Implement low-impact design strategies, such as planting native, drought-tolerant plants, reusing existing construction materials found onsite, and harvesting rainwater runoff from adjacent structures.

*construction complete



Type: Civic | Government | Cultural Development

Task: Produce demolition plans for an existing barn structure, as part of the larger Coastal Development Permit master planset to rebuild the Gualala Community Center, destroyed by arson on February 13, 2023. 

Strategy: Carefully coordinate selective demolition with appropriate stakeholders within an environmental sensitive habitat area (ESHA).

*pending CDP permit approval

* renderings by FIGURE (Architecture)



Sohnen Residence - Las Vegas Garden - Mt. Shasta Orchard