health impact assessment: st. catherine of siena's parish center

Fall 2015
DEA 2700: Healthy Places: Design, Planning and Public Health
Faculty: Nancy M Wells
Cornell University | College of Human Ecology

Proposed Parish Center Construction 2015. Photo Credit: Ithaca Planning Department

Proposed Parish Center Construction 2015. Photo Credit: Ithaca Planning Department

Ithaca's Saint Catherine of Siena Church's community plans to demolish and rebuilt their Parish Center to increase their local congregation's participation in their Parish events. The new center will be constructed on the existing parking lot, West of the church's main building. It will accommodate a kitchen, conference rooms, bathrooms, classrooms, offices and a basement for utilities and storage purposes. The Church and Parish Center will be connected with a covered, handicapped-accessible ramp and small, gardened area. The design also includes exterior landscaping plans for the inclusion of new parking spaces, low garden walls, fruit trees, and two outdoor fountains .

Using an Health Impact Assessment - HIA - our team determined the health impact implications of the construction of this new Parish Center. The flow-chart below maps the direct, mediating, environmental/behavior, and long term health impacts associated to the project. Each impact was then further researched to dissolve any health conflicts within the design. Our team formally proposed all findings and design recommendations to better benefit the health of the surrounding community, environment, and parishioners. 



A first step to any HIA, the team sought to determine if conducting an HIA would add value to the construction of the Saint Catherine of Siena Parish Center. The timeline was within reason, the stakeholders were committed to assisting us in our research and bettering the project in regards to promoting health, and there was very little risk associated to the project, thus the project passed all screening objectives. 


Taking the next step in the HIA, the team created the above Framework Pathway Diagram to demonstrate how proposed decisions would impact the all direct, mediating, environmental/behavior and long term health factors. We also proposed our assessment methods by means of literature reviews and interview important stakeholders. 



Health Outcome 1: Increased Social Capital as a result of increase in community and educational space, and additional walkway communication. 
Health Outcome 2: Improving Healthy Habits as a result of an increase in educational spaces and opportunities.
Health Outcome 3: Lowered rates of respiratory diseases, asthma, and cancer due to building quality improvements.
Health Outcome 4: Increased physical activity due to less parking being available leading members to take active forms of transportation.
Health Outcome 5: Increased participation in church activities and events can lead to a higher and more frequent noise level. They can create annoyances and stress to nearby neighbors. 

The removal of parking spaces to construct the new Parish Center will increase parishioners physical activity and increase the surrounding natural habitat. 2015 Photo Credit: Ithaca Planning Department

The removal of parking spaces to construct the new Parish Center will increase parishioners physical activity and increase the surrounding natural habitat. 2015 Photo Credit: Ithaca Planning Department


The HIA findings were reported in a document, and orally presented to stakeholders the week of November 16, 2015. 


Recommendation 1: Coordinate with local substance abuse organizations to increase opportunities to support healthy habits
Recommendation 2: Reach out to the greater Ithaca area to promote all uses of the new Parish Center to promote inclusivity and new partnerships
Recommendation 3: Design landscape  with noise absorbent materials and plants around the parking space, parish and church can prevent possible annoyance of neighbors.
Recommendation 4: Introduce stop signs and sidewalks to create better street safety to encourage active transportation.
Recommendation 5: The building facilities should be designed and maintained to reduce risk of respiratory diseases, asthma, and cancer agents.
Recommendation 6: Increase participation in outdoor activities, away from parking lot and traffic.